What to expect from Mobiconf 2018?
27 July 2018
Mobiconf, the annual conference for mobile designers & developers is back! This October 4-5, we’ll have in-depth talks with some of the top leaders in mobile technology, design and business owners who are changing our world.
Booking Head of Design James Butler, IBM Developers Advocate Fernando Cejas, AKQA Creative Director Amilcar Guevara Torija, Yelp Android Software Engineer Nicola Corti, Blinkist Head of Design Temi Adaniyi and Miquido Project Manager Anna Gawlikowska and many more will get time on the stage this year.
4 tracks of pure know-how
We have nearly 50 presentations coming up. A quick look on planned talks:

iOS track:
„Security? Check!” by iOS Developer- Tomek Cejner. Practitioner’s guide to securing the mobile application. The core of the talk is going to be a list of techniques which make your app more secure. It will focus on application-level security “dos and don’ts”, but a few points on backend communication is going to be made.
Android track:
“Kotlin coroutines – A story of an old code base, dozens of reactive streams, a new language and a new way for concurrency.” by Senior Android Developer – Ivan Morgillo. This is the story of how Ivan migrated an old project from a monolithic Java mess with improperly used RxJava to a cleaner architecture, based on Kotlin, coroutines and common sense.”
UI/UX Design track:
“Data-Driven Intuition” by Temi Adeniyi, Head of Design. This talk cover how using tools like analytics and usability testing can help us to more accurately identify user problems and create proven designs that keep real people at the center of the experience.
Everything Mobile track:
“Machine Learning on Your Mobile Phone” by Vladimir Alekseichenko, IT Architect. About new Maslow Pyramid (including battery life and access to wifi), why machine learning model on the phone is more energy saver compared to send data outside, why running an ml model on your mobile phone sounds like a good idea. Most machine learning algorithms (so far) has been implemented in Python or R, both look like a bit weird for mobile technology. If you want to learn how to manage this, please come to the presentation.”
Cheaper tickets only in July!
The registration to the conference is possible only until the 18th of September, but don’t wait until then! Tickets in regular price are available before 31st of July. To get your ticket, visit the Registration page. If you would like to participate in Mobiconf with your friends, you can receive a special discount for group registrations (10 tickets gives you an additional one for free).
Follow us on social media
Tune in live with us on Twitter and Facebook before and during all of Mobiconf! We’ll be live sharing using #mobiconf. We’ll feature exclusive scenes from the conference and will be posting breaking news and video to Facebook and Youtube. Not following us? Gasp! Be sure to do that now.
Hope to meet you there!
JetBrains, Netfarm, Ibis, No Fluff Jobs, TP-Link
Media & Community Partners:
ACE Conference, Android Weekly, Business of Apps, Cat5, CocoaHeads Kraków, Crossweb, GDG Wrocław, Halo Design, iMagazine, juicyUX, KID, letSwift, MamStartup, Marketer+, Mobileclick, Nowy Marketing, PolishJug, Programista, Syndicode, Thinkapple, TipiUX, Toast Wrocław, What’s Up Magazine, World of Mobile Apps.
Organizer & Founder: Miquido